You are looking at an N Gauge Railway Station Platform Footbridge with Steps and Lifts - completely modular so you can choose your platform/walkway sizes using the drop downs above. This allows you the possibility of choosing for example a 50mm walkway one side and a 100mm walkways the other should you wish, and all combinations are possible.
This modular design is made up of Steps, Lifts, Bridge Deck and interchange sections. The design is modular so it can be used on stations with multiple platforms. The bridge decks can come in different lengths these come in 50mm, 60mm, 70mm, 80mm, 90mm and 100mm lengths (see images).
With model railways there is always a compromise and this is a fairly compact design to help it fit most model railways. We do include 2 types of interchange sections for free (so you'll get 6 interchange pieces) so you can decide if you want an E shaped layout or something a bit different like an E with the middle section pointing the opposite direction to the 2 wings, or a Z shaped layout its all possible with the included pieces.
We do have a single walkway version of this with 2 lift towers and stairs available in our shop.
Lift tower is approximately 16mm wide, 19mm long and 58mm tall.
Staircase is approximately 16mm wide, 55mm long and 39mm high
Bridge deck is a 16mm wide and 11.5mm high in various lengths (please use the dropdown to select length)
The interchange section between lift tower, steps and bridge decks is approximately 17mm square.
Please Note: Designed to be placed on platforms, NOT lineside! Please be sure this is suitable for your use